
Make amazing videos with just a few clicks, collaborate in real-time and publish in under 3 minutes with the fastest online video editor.

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Powerful online video editor

Create videos in your browser easily with our online video editor. Add text to videos, images, sounds, transitions, auto-subtitles and so much more. You can also trim, cut or crop videos all in a couple of minutes without downloading or installing any software. Quickly create high quality content no matter your experience level. Flixier combines a powerful interface with ready-made drag and drop features to satisfy everyone`s needs.

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Collaborate in realtime

Sync projects in real-time with all your colleagues and share files instantly. Even better you can ask for feedback on your video with a click of a button and no rendering required. Just like Google Docs!

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Easily create with 澳洲幸运10历史开奖号码查询官网结果

When it comes to making videos easily our online video editor stands above the rest with a simple interface where you can drag and drop videos to position or resize them however you like. Add to that the built-in motion titles, transitions and calls to action that are easy to personalize and Flixier is the best choice for creating engaging videos. Dramatically speed-up video creation with over 2 Million built-in Music, Video and Image stock files. Even better, most of the features are available on the free version.

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Be a star on any medium

Perfect to create videos for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or even for a custom resolution. When your video is ready, publish it on different social media platforms at the same time with a click of a button.

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online video editor

Enjoy our browser based video editor on a Chromebook, Mac or Windows PC

Because Flixier is a browser based video editor you can access it on any computer from any location. Your projects are backed up in the cloud so all you need to do is login using your account and continue working on your videos at home, at work or on the go, your video projects are ready instantly. Even more, our groundbreaking rendering tech publishes any video in 1 to 3 minutes on both a low spec Chromebook and a high end Macbook.

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Feature by feature

Real-time collaboration

50+ transitions


Powerful timeline

Built-in stock libraries

Video effects

Browser based

Screen record

Webcam record

Don’t take our word for it

500k minutes of video are created monthly with Flixier

Steve Mastroianni

Steve Mastroianni - RockstarMind.com

Evgeni Kogan

Evgeni Kogan

Uwe Kraul

Frequently asked questions

Why is Flixier a free online video editor?

Why edit videos using our video editor?

Can I edit a video using my Chromebook?

Is Flixier a good video editor for beginners?

How to edit videos using Flixier?

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