Add images to your video online
Add image to video
It's super easy to add an image to your video with Flixier! In just a few clicks, you can resize, rotate, crop and position your image to make everything pixel-perfect! With an easy to use interface and snapping lines to help you align everything, Flixier makes creating stunning videos incredibly easy!
Upload any file
We support all image file formats such as .PNG .JPEG .TIFF and all video file types, like .MP4 .MOV .WEBM and more.
Make Perfect Adjustments
Perform basic editing actions easily with on-screen buttons or keyboard shortcuts (in case you want to speed things up even further).
Add Text to Videos
Besides images it’s often helpful to add text to videos because many videos are watched without sound these days. With Flixier you can easily do that and you can even choose from basic or animated text for a more professional look. Other helpful features let you choose your font boldness, size or font.
Choose from hundreds of stock images
Need some help finding images? Browse through hundreds or professional stock photos straight from the editor!
How to add an image to your video:
Select a video and an image from your computer or take advantage of our Google Drive, Dropbox, Zoom, Loom and YouTube integrations. We also offer a huge library of stock images for you to choose from if you need them!
Start ordering, cutting, trimming and adjusting until you’re happy with the results!
When you’re done you can just download your video to your computer or publish it directly to 7 other destinations in just a few minutes!
Why use Flixier to add images to your videos
Easy to use
Flixier makes adding images to your videos as easy as dragging and dropping. No advanced video editing knowledge is required!
Lightning fast
Flixier will have your videos ready for download in 3 minutes or less. No more waiting around for lengthy exports!
Get your point across easier with picture-in-picture videos! Adding images and diagrams to your videos will keep people engaged and help visual learners.
Add music to videos
Flixier lets you add music to videos as well! Set the mood for your videos by adding music. Bring your own tracks over from Soundcloud or choose from our library of free audio tracks!