WebM to GIF

Convert WebM files into GIFs from your web browser
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Turn .WebM into GIF

Quickly and easily convert WebM videos into GIFs with our online video converter! Upload your WebM files and use our quick WebM to GIF converting tool to create your new GIF within minutes. With Flixier you can also edit and enhance your video before turning it into a GIF by rotating, cropping, trimming, adding text, shapes, logos and other images, as well as applying color filters and making color adjustments. Don’t be afraid to experiment and follow our simple 3-step guide to find out how to create animated GIFs from WebM videos fast, easily and completely online.

WebM to GIF

Convert WebM to GIF fast

Enjoy fast WebM to GIF conversions! Our video converting tool will convert WebM to GIFs in under 3 minutes for you to then use and share. Our cloud powered technology will process and render your new GIF within minutes, so that you can see and enjoy it as soon as possible.

WebM to GIF online converter

Create GIFs from WebM videos completely online, right in your web browser! Forget about spending time downloading and installing software. With our WebM to GIF online converter you can turn WebM files into GIFs, as long as you have a computer with an Internet connection.

Free WebM to GIF converter

Enjoy a WebM to GIF converter for free! Upload your WebM video, convert and download it as a GIF free of charge with our video converter. Even more, you can try it out even without an account, which doesn’t require any payments either.

Simple WebM to GIF conversion

Our video conversion process is simple and its steps are easy to follow. Just upload and export, it’s as easy as that! It will only take you a few mouse clicks to view and download the fresh GIF you created from a WebM video.

How to convert WebM to GIF:

How to convert WebM to GIF:
Upload the .WebM video

Firstly, click on the blue “Get Started” button at the top of the page to open our video converting and editing platform. Then, upload your WebM video(s) from your computer or import them from websites such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Flowplayer, YouTube and Twitch, among others. Wait for the video to process, then double-click on it in your “Library” or drag and drop it on the timeline to add it to a new track.

Edit and enhance (optional)

Secondly, you can edit and enhance your GIF before converting it. This step is completely optional, but if you want to you can crop and trim, rotate and resize, add text, shapes, transitions, color filters and make basic or advanced color adjustments to your GIF.

Download the GIF

Lastly, when you’re ready to convert your WebM video into a GIF click on the blue “Export” button at the top right corner of the video editor, click on “Save as…” and select the “GIF” option. If you want to pick a specific frame rate for your GIF, go back to your “Projects”, right click the WebM video, select “Export Video” and wait for another page to load. Then, select the “Save as GIF” option again and a new drop-down menu will appear, from which you can choose between 10, 20 or 25 FPS.

Why use Flixier to convert WebM to GIF:

WebM to animated GIF with text

Add text to your GIFs! Be it a quote, title, words or symbols, you can add them all before converting your video from WebM to an animated GIF. Choose between sizes, colors, background colors, outlines, fonts and add keyframes to add effects and transitions.

Flexible WebM GIF maker

Take your video library with you and convert videos on the go using our WebM to GIF maker! With a free account you get access to your personal project library, which allows you to convert your WebM videos into GIFs at any time, from any computer with an Internet connection.

Add logos and images

Customize your GIFs with images! Add your personal or your brand’s logo to your GIFs, as well as images you can edit and enhance before you convert your WebM file. Simply upload your images to the library and place them in your WebM video before converting it into a GIF.

Edit and convert

Before you convert WebM videos into GIFs, take a look at our range of video editing tools available for you to customize your GIF! You can cut and trim, resize, rotate and change the playback speed amongst other options, all available for you to customize your GIFs to your liking.


I’ve been looking for a solution like Flixier for years. Now that my virtual team and I can edit projects together on the cloud with Flixier, it tripled my company’s video output! Super easy to use and unbelievably quick exports.

Steve Mastroianni - RockstarMind.com

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Evgeni Kogan

I'm so relieved I found Flixier. I have a YouTube channel with over 700k subscribers and Flixier allows me to collaborate seamlessly with my team, they can work from any device at any time plus, renders are cloud powered and super super fast on any computer.

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

Frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, Get in touch with our friendly team
If you have any further questions, Get in touch with our friendly team

Can you turn a WebM into a GIF?

Can you turn a WebM into a GIF?

Yes, of course! You can turn a WebM video into a GIF by importing it to Flixier from a website or uploading it from your PC, making optional edits and enhancements if needed, and finally saving or directly sharing the WebM video as a GIF.

Is Flixier a free WebM to GIF converter?

Is Flixier a free WebM to GIF converter?

Yes, Flixier is a free WebM to GIF converter! You can turn WebM files into GIFs with no charge and even with no account. Just click the “Get Started” button, upload your WebM video and convert it into a GIF without making any payments.

Can I convert WebM to GIF online?

Can I convert WebM to GIF online?

Yes, you can! Flixier is an online video converter and editor, so you don’t have to download and install anything to use it. Just power up your computer, make sure you have an Internet connection, enter our website and convert WebM videos into GIFs, all in your web browser.

Can I convert WebM to GIF online?

Can I convert WebM to GIF online?

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