Add image to GIF

Create GIFs with images in a couple of clicks, all in your web browser!
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Add image to GIF in minutes!

Our online tool lets you create GIFs with images quickly, without having to leave your browser! The drag and drop interface allows you to upload pictures and GIFs easily and combine them intuitively, without any previous editing experience.

Crop, resize, flip or rotate your image or GIF. Apply filters and transitions or adjust the colors, brightness and contrast on your GIF or image with a couple of simple sliders. Bring photos over from cloud storage platforms like Google Photos and Dropbox, upload your own or use our built-in library of stock images and GIFs to look for more. Once you’re done, our cloud powered technology will ensure that your GIF is ready to be shared in minutes.

Add image to GIF

Add any picture to your GIF

Flixier is compatible with all the popular image formats including .PNG, .JPEG and .TIFF so you can add any photo to a GIF without having to worry about the file format. You can even add logos or watermarks to  your GIFs and use the Opacity slider to make them transparent.

Resize and crop photos  

Our drag and drop interface makes it easy to crop, resize or adjust the rotation angle of your image just by dragging on its edges on the canvas. Additionally, you can use our simplified keyframes system to zoom in and out of a picture during a GIF.

Adjust image brightness and colors

Flixier comes with an easy to use slider system that allows you to easily tweak things like contrast, brightness or saturation. You can also perform color corrections or choose from multiple filters and effects. This works for both images and GIFs, so the possibilities are endless.

Bring photos over from anywhere

You can bring the photos you want to add to your GIFs over from a number of different locations: upload them from your own computer or use our Google Photos, OneDrive or Dropbox cloud integrations to import images and GIFs directly from the cloud.

How to add image to GIF:

How to add image to GIF:

Drag your image and your GIF over to the Flixier library, or use the Import button to bring media over from different cloud storage services.

Add photos to your GIF

Double-click on the GIF in the Library to add it to the Timeline. Then, drag the image over to the canvas. Use the controls on the edge of your image to resize it, or drag it around with the mouse button to reposition it. To control when the image comes up and how long it stays on screen, move it around and drag on its edges in the Timeline.

Save your GIF

Click the Export button. Under Format, select GIF. Click on Export again and Flixier will process your GIF and have it ready for you to download and share online in minutes.

Add image to GIFPlay

Why use Flixier to add photo to GIF

Add image to GIF online

You don’t need to download or install anything in order to use the Flixier gif editor. It works entirely in the web browser, which means you can add pictures to GIFs in just a couple of clicks from any modern operating system including Windows, Linux, Mac and ChromeOS.

An easy way to put images on a GIF 

Most people think they need to know Photoshop or other advanced image editors in order to insert a picture into a GIF. Flixier makes the task as easy as clicking and dragging. Anyone can use Flixier to add images to GIFs, resize them or cut them, without any previous experience.

Get the job done in minutes

Flixier lets you modify, create or add photos to GIFs in record time! Our cloud-powered rendering engine uses powerful servers to process your GIFs, images and videos and gets everything done in minutes, while also ensuring that our software runs smoothly on any computer, regardless of specs.

Add image to GIF for free

Our tool comes with a free plan which gives users access to all the features from the Pro version, allowing you to try out Flixier and see how fast and convenient it is for yourself before deciding whether or not you want to pay money for it.

Steve Mastroianni -

I’ve been looking for a solution like Flixier for years. Now that my virtual team and I can edit projects together on the cloud with Flixier, it tripled my company’s video output! Super easy to use and unbelievably quick exports.

Steve Mastroianni -
Evgeni Kogan

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Evgeni Kogan
Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

I'm so relieved I found Flixier. I have a YouTube channel with over 700k subscribers and Flixier allows me to collaborate seamlessly with my team, they can work from any device at any time plus, renders are cloud powered and super super fast on any computer.

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, Get in touch with our friendly team
Can I add frames to a GIF?
Can I add frames to a GIF?
Is it free to add images to a GIF?
Is it free to add images to a GIF?
What is the best free GIF maker?
What is the best free GIF maker?

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