
Find out about our latest product changes as we continue
improving Flixier to enable your team to make amazing videos


Smart text resize for Motion Titles 🎉🥳😎

We are extremely happy to announce that from now on text will resize to fit Motion Titles automatically. No more cut-off text or having to come up with shorter titles. 

P.S. If you want to take advantage of resizable Motion Titles you will need to replace the old ones in your projects with the new ones.

Motion Titles for News reporting

Additionally we added 10 new titles that are perfect for news reporting. Check them out and keep an eye out for more News titles coming soon! 

Styling update

Our old Motion Titles also got a refreshed look, we removed some elements and stylized others to give them a simpler more modern look. 


Hey everyone, quick update fixing a few annoying bugs: 

Bug Fix: sometimes a transition was added when aligning two clips one after the other

Bug Fix: sometimes transition didn't get added when it should

Bug Fix: colour pickers were not positioned correctly, not entirely visible at all times. 

Bug Fix: track mute didn't work when adding an item after muting the track. 

Go back in time! 

Ever wished to check previous versions of your project and see if the changes you've made actually made a difference? 

You can do that now with Flixier in a few clicks. Even more you can also restore an older version of a project and continue working on it if you decide it showed better promise of something great. 


Hello everyone! 

We are extremely happy to announce our new BrandKit feature. 

You can now go in your dashboard and you will find a new BrandKit tab. When you click it you will go into a new section where you can set custom colours and fonts and then use them all over Flixier to easily create content that fits with your brand.

Keep making great content! 


Improved Timeline features

Our timeline is now more intuitive to use, if you didn't do this already go ahead and click the Tracks button on the lower left side of the screen to checkout the changes. 

Each Track now has a handle you can use to drag and re-organize tracks and you can also mute an entire audio track

Adding media to an empty timeline is now easier too, thanks to a new timeline detection system. 

Adding a new Track or Group is also more intuitive, just click the "+Add" button and pick your choice. 


Audio Equalizer (EQ)

Hello content creators! We are supper happy to announce our brand new Audio Equalizer. You can now easily tune and improve your audio with ready to use presets in the Equalizer dropdown list, including 60's, AcousticBass Boost, Hip Hop, Jazz, Loud, Rock, Treble Boost, Vocals, and Custom

If you feel adventurous go ahead and click the Customize button and access the Custom Equalizer options to further adjust the gain by dragging the sliders up or down.

Check it out by clicking on an audio clip in the timeline and look for Equalizer under the Audio properties in the Inspector. 


You can now mute the entire track


Audio Gain and Pan

You can now increase the volume of your audio in Flixier by using our new Gain feature. Even more, you can check your audio levels with our brand new volume meter. Click on the little volume meter under the video preview to open an expanded version for a better view. 


Showing thumbnails for Twitch Imports


Fixed an issue where an an error was shown in the timeline when moving text or motion graphics. 


Screen and Webcam recording

We are excited to announce that you can now record your screen and webcam at the same time. We are sure this will make your life a little easier while creating tutorials, online courses, trainings and many more. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!!! 🎉🍾🥂



You can now dynamically move and scale elements in your video with just a few clicks. Check it out by clicking on a clip in the timeline and look for Keyframes under the Clip properties in the Inspector

Choose Webcam Sources

You can now choose the source you want to record with if you have multiple cameras connected to your computer. 

More Publish Details

When Publishing a project to external sources fails, you will get a notification telling you the reason for the failure so you know how you can fix it.

Improved experience when creating new projects

When creating a new project 3 tracks will be added by default to make it easier for you create more complex compositions.


  • The Camera, Microphone and Screen Record options now have their separate section.


  • Fixed an error when sometimes during export you would get an "app_id is missing" message. 
  • Improved track width calculation for better scrolling and zooming. 
  • Fixed navigation to empty projects. 
  • Sometimes shapes remained sticked to the mouse cursor above canvas.

Big announcements 🎈🎉🥳

In-between transitions - They are finally here!!! You can now overlap two clips in the timeline and this will result in an in-between transition that you can change by clicking on it.

Loom Integration - We are happy to announce that you can now copy-paste a Loom link in Flixier and get the video imported straight away. 

Help Menu - we added a new way to get centralized access to all the help you need to master Flixier.  


Fixed an issue where the Undo shortcut wouldn't work on international keyboard layouts (I.E. German, French, Italian) 

Fixed an issue where sometimes projects or media would mistakenly appear in a folder for a brief time. 


Improved the search function to provide better results. 

Announcement 🎈🥳

Rewards for sharing Flixier 🎉🚀 - you can now get extra storage and publish time if you refer new users to Flixier. More details here.

Mask Filters 🔳 - you can now pixelate and blur an area of your video. 

Fixes ⚙

Fixed an issue that caused some objects to flicker. 

Fixed an issue that sometimes caused timeline sprites to not work before scrolling. 

Fixed an issue with search and filters in the library. 

Fixed an issue that crashed Ripple Split if you kept holding 'shift' but moved the Playhead after an initial split. 

Improvements 🛠

The YouTube video title is now required and we added the project name as the default one. 

Re-generated Sprites and Thumbnails for all imported external assets that sometimes didn't work correctly. 


Timeline mouse select - you can now multi-select by clicking and dragging with your mouse in the timeline. 

Rounded corners for timeline objects - this makes it easier to spot cuts in the timeline. 

Snap Play Head to objects - when positioning the Play Head near an object it will now snap to it. 


Fixed an issue where media imported from Twitch would wrongly rescale. 

Fixed an issue where Ripple Split would make many small unwanted cuts. 


Clicking an empty space on the Timeline deselects selected objects. 

Decreased the timeline Snap range - the magnet effect was too high which made it difficult to position objects. 

Disabled snap while ripple-split to make it smoother to move objects. 


  • Hovering over transitions with the mouse cursor will now show a preview of the transition making it easier to choose the right one. 
  • You can now use the Object Inspector menu to add transitions by selecting them from a drop-down list. 
  • You can control how long a transition lasts more precisely by modifying it using the Object Inspector menu.
  • Smoother Scrolling. 


  • Elements are no longer being moved in the stage when the focus is on the color correction Range Slider. 
  • Fixed a bug where an object wasn't selected when right clicked. 


  • Clicking on an object in the timeline will not move the Playhead anymore. You can click anywhere else on the timeline to move it. This makes it less likely to accidentally move it when selecting an object.
  • You can now modify the quality of the canvas preview when Twitch clips are added to the project.
  • Made it easier to deselect Media from the Timeline or Canvas. 
  • You can now deselect a Track by clicking on another item in the timeline. 
  • You can now save empty projects. 
  • When going from the projects dashboard to the editor the Personal Library tab will be selected by default. 
  • If you are logged in you will be redirected from the home page to the editor. 
  • Right Clicking the Playhead now displays the usual options that right clicking on a track would (such as Ripple Delete) 


  • You can now publish videos to your Facebook Pages from the Dashboard or Export Page


  • Pinch-zoom was the other way around
  • Fixed RippleSpliting an object without any others to it's right
  • Fixed a case for subtitles where the object wasn't added to canvas if first subtitle text was empty


  • Persist search keyword among Stock providers
  • Persist selection after Pan and Play


  • Twitch Clips - besides streams you can now import your Twitch Clips into Flixier!


  • Timeline Zoom - zoom steps in the timeline have been tweaked so you now get a far better response when zooming in and out. 
  • Twitch Import Performance - Massive speed improvement when importing Twitch Streams. Also imports now come as one single video rather split into multiple 1h ones.